Ann Dadd - Illustration/Graphic Design Portfolio


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MA Final Major Project


2010: MA Design.
Communication Design.

University of Southampton,
Winchester School of Art.

Semester 1. Three Products Project.
"The Reggae Reggae Box"
Research. Illustration. Concepts.
Product Display Design. Adobe Illustrator.

"It was important to place each sauce, and the experience they gave to their respective customers, in relation to each other."

"My design decisions were influenced by the artist behind Reggae Reggae sauce, Levi Roots, and his reggae music, but also by a book called DATA FLOW, by Klanten, R., Bourquin, N., Tissot, T., & Ehmann, S., 2008. Together this creates a clean, fresh fun new look."


I'd like to thank the Arts & Humanities Research Council for the financial support they provided during my MA through a Professional Preparation Master's Award.